In 1993 the supporter's group was formed after an ad was placed in the local paper “The Banner” by Mr Jim Priestly. Of that initial group of fifty, several are still helping in the Garden each Wednesday & Saturday morning.
Our supporters come from all walks of life and from all over Melbourne. The original group were trained in all aspects of rose culture by some of the foremost rosarians in the country who are passing on their knowledge to each newcomer.
Our aim: to produce healthy bushes and maximum blooms for all to enjoy.
Without our dedicated workers we would not have the beautiful garden you see today. Supporters enjoy working in the fresh air in an award winning garden and hearing comments from the visitors gives us a great feeling of satisfaction.
We have many local and overseas visitors who admire the work that is done each year by the 100+ supporters who contribute over 9000hrs between them every year.
Apart from the sunshine, fresh air, learning & satisfaction, there is the camaraderie of like-minded people sharing ideas and swapping general gardening tips and hints.
We welcome new volunteers whether or not they are experienced. If you have time available on a Saturday or Wednesday morning (weather permitting) please contact us at PO Box 2137, Werribee, 3030 or via email on
Volunteers work on Wednesdays and Saturday mornings.
On Wednesdays volunteers work between 8.00am and 12.00pm, and can put in as much or as little time as they want to. Even an hour is appreciated between these hours.
On Saturdays volunteers work between 8.00am and 11.00am
For a New Volunteer
Contact us via email, leave your contact details and we will arrange a time for a Committee Member to welcome you on either a Wednesday or Saturday during the above times.
The first couple of times you come are largely observational, and if, after you’ve seen what we do, and you’re still interested, you can apply to become a member on the third week Joining involves being aware of the rules and procedures and joining in and being part of a team. Health and Safety is particularly important.
Volunteers working within Parks Victoria areas, in public facing roles, now need a Volunteer Working with Children Check. You can apply online and have a photo taken at the Post Office. There is no cost to you as you are applying as a volunteer. This is then Registered with Park Connect, the Volunteer portal of Parks Victoria.
We charge an annual membership fee of $20 which includes four newsletters a year, a lot of good fellowship and the chance to work with a friendly, hardworking team. We welcome new members and we’re sure you will enjoy your time with us.

Mulching takes place throughout September. An enormous job to see the mulch laid in preparation to protect the roses from the hot summer sun.
Deadheading of the roses takes place from October till April and this is the main activitiy during these months to ensure a maximum display of blooms. Of course weeding, feeding, spraying, sweeping and other general maintenance tasks continue alongside the seemingly endless deadheading.